the educator

“Music is not a profession, it is a way of life. ” Isaak Stern, violinist

As a violinist, Gabriel Voicu dedicates his experiences of his international career to the music education of children. He firmly believes, that there are no unmusical children nor people. Music is emotional, natural and an integral part of everyone. Music is a basic part of being human. Music belongs to universal education.

An ear for music can be developed it is not innate. Interest in an instrument, can also be ewakened. Every child should be able to play an instrument! It is benefitial for a lifetime. The relationship to an instrument isn´t instantaneous, but will grow over time.

Gabriel Voicu has been teaching for over 30 years and still every student brings a new experience to him. The challenge is to understand the diversity and individuality of each student and to absorb it. Each child has its own pace and as in life can vary a lot. Learning this pace is the key task for teacher.

Playing violin demands a great motivation of a student. Phases of weakness are only natural. Recognising these weak moments and helping to overcome them is one of the most important goals of Gabriel Voicu. As a result of continuous work a child will understand not to give up, to develop it´s abilities and finally to reap lasting success. Gabriel Voicu´s teaching philosophy consists of a mixture of love, understanding and leadership. Hes individualised lessons are adapting to the current stage of development and the goals of his students.

Gabriel Voicu believes, that in principle it is never too late to learn playing the violin, since, regardless of your age, you will always learn something worthwhile.